Monday, January 12, 2009


Usually when I have a piece of cake or even a cookie I end up scraping off most of the frosting because its too sweet or waxy. Finally I've found a light, fluffy frosting with the perfect balance of sweetness! For those of you at work, this is the same pink frosting I used on my cake last week.


1 Cup milk
5 Tablespoons flour
1 Cup white sugar (not powdered sugar!)
1 Cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a small saucepan heat milk and flour over low heat, stirring constantly. Heat until mixture thickens about 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow mixture to cool completely.* Refrigerate if necessary. Cover to prevent skin from forming.

Once milk has completely cooled, cream together butter, sugar, and vanilla until fluffy. Sir in cooled milk mixture and beat until spreading consistency and the sugar has completely dissolved.

*if milk does not cool completely it can melt the butter and cause the frosting to separate. not pretty!


  1. Ok I am so excited about this new blog of yours! My new years resolution is to improve my skills in domesticity!

  2. Oh my gosh I am so excited! Thank You!
